What can I do in brainsre?

Enter an address and quickly find all the real estate information on Maps or Charts.
Analyse the stratification of your portfolio, filter assets or compare your values with the market. Export critical local market data for your assets.
Use the most comprehensive valuation tool on the market, with almost 10 years of experience. Active and also unpublished supply and historical price changes.
Quickly create and export simple market reports. Export in excel, pdf or images each of our data.

Big Data Solutions

Brainsre is the big data platform chosen by large investors in the real estate sector thanks to the quality
and quantity of its data but also due to its solutions adapted to each client

Data-driven knowledge. All the latest market information

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<img style="text-align: center;" src="https://brainsre.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/brainsre_news.png"><br>Data-driven knowledge. All the latest market information

All in one real estate investing app

Available soon on App Store and Play Store.

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Where are we?

Brains RE