Do you want access to key real estate data?
Explore our extensive database and tailored solutions to enhance your real estate decisions.
Enter an address and quickly find all real estate information in Maps or Charts such as:
Analyze your portfolio’s stratification, filter assets, or compare your values with the market. Manage from a dozen assets to hundreds of thousands:
Use the most comprehensive valuation tool on the market, with almost 10 years of experience. With our Valuation tool, you can visualize:
Quickly create and export simple market reports. Export in Excel, PDF, or images any of our data.
We send you all the data you need for any location: statistics, market comparables, new construction permits, and more!
We regularly send you all the updated data you need for any location: via email or FTP Server
Local market analysis and its evolution for each asset in your portfolio, rentability analysis, and new construction analysis
We adapt Brains Real Estate to your company’s needs. Consult us about the different possibilities Learn about the successfull stories applied to each type of client
We send you all the data you need for any location: statistics, market comparables, new construction permits, and more!
We regularly send you all the updated data you need for any location: via email or FTP Server
Local market analysis and its evolution for each asset in your portfolio, rentability analysis, and new construction analysis
We adapt Brains Real Estate to your company’s needs. Learn about the successfull stories applied to each type of client
Brains Real Estate is the latest project from the Aura Group, a leader for over 10 years in valuations of large portfolios of assets of all types and locations for international investors.
We were founded in 2020 to offer all our database to any real estate sector participant. Among our clients are funds, banks, developers, consultants, REITs, and small investors and advisors.
We aim to be the “Bloomberg” of European real estate, a leader in real estate news and Big Data.
Our mission is to facilitate decision-making by providing access to data, news, and key people in the real estate sector. This is how our real estate Big Data platform, the most comprehensive on the market, is available in Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, and soon in new countries!